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" Relais Routiers: Is this the best dining bargain in France? "

Un article paru sur BBC - Le 20 nov. 2023

Capture d'écran - BBC

The exceptional value of the friendly, no-nonsense, old-fashioned French eateries called Relais Routiers is assuring the survival of an almost century-old French tradition.

With the surge of inflation over the last two years, it has become prohibitively expensive for many people to eat in restaurants in France – especially traditional ones. But the nation's network of 700 Relais Routiers or lorry (truck) drivers' inns, which are also open to the general public, have made a real effort to keep prices low. They know the lure of the fast-food franchises will win if they don't. The exceptional value of these friendly, no-nonsense, old-fashioned French eateries is assuring the survival of an almost century-old French tradition.

La Marmite, a Routier 65km west of Paris near the A13 motorway, doesn't look like much. But there are several dozen lorries in its carpark, and if you're looking for value-for-money French cooking, that is worth more than stars. I take my place at the bar, order a pression (on-tap lager beer) for 2.70€ and notice that the server addresses me with the familiar "tu" (you) usually reserved for children, family members and people you know well.

"Friendly" is actually rule number one of the Routier charter and, by the third time you go to one of these roadside inns, the owner is supposed to be able to greet you by name.

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Retrouvez les fiches des Relais Routiers cités dans l'article en cliquant ci-dessous !


1 route de Meulan
78520 LIMAY

+ consulter la fiche complète


Route Nationale 20 - 124 avenue Marcel Dassault
36130 DEOLS

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se retrouver
et se sentir comme à la maison

Sur les routes de France, chaque relais est comme une maison pour se retrouver et partager !
